Monday, January 14, 2008



I've been away, so I couldn't really write for my blog. But here I am.

I've been away from writing as well, which means I have a, hopefully, temporary case of the famous "Writer's Block."

If anyone from the Writer's Digest website is reading this, please reply so I can bounce ideas of the writing prompts. I'm in need really bad!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year's!

I just wanted to wish everybody a Happy New Year's. Where I am the snow is falling pretty thickly so I'm cooped up in my house. I plan to get a lot of things done today, including some of the most important things: writing, reading, and writing. Here's two of my New Year's resolutions:

1. Write at least two hundred poems.
2. Write 5,000 words in a week.

One of my dreams is also to write a book. Hey, I've got the whole year of 2008 ahead of me.

On the Road Not Taken,
